News Peed


What is The Peedmont?

The Peedmont is a Virginia-based independent news network that focuses on news and events around the great Commonwealth of Virginia. Originally formed by a group of colonists during the American Revolutionary War in 1779, we’ve since grown as a company to over 5,000 employees, multiple branches state-wide, and have proudly been awarded three Nobel Peace Prizes. We were there when the British burned Washington in 1814, when Lincoln addressed Gettysburg, and were among the first reporters onsite at Pearl Harbor.

Our mission has always been to report on current events from around the glorious state of Virginia. We’re here to bring you the most accurate reports from all necessary social, economic, and political standpoints, leaving no stones unturned in the process. The Peedmont strives to represent the finest in journalistic integrity, and we hope you look to us when the news breaks in your neck of the woods.

How can I keep up with the latest news from The Peedmont?

 We encourage you to follow us on FacebookTwitter, & Instagram for the most up-to-date news stories.

Can I submit articles or ideas to The Peedmont for you to publish?

We don’t publish articles from outside sources but if you’re interested in contributing or have an idea you’d like for us to consider, please send us an email at
While we consider submissions on a case-by-case basis, we only publish if the work meets our editorial standards or fits our brand.
Except you Chad, stop emailing us. Seriously.

Can I join The Peedmont’s editorial team?

Send us an email to and we’ll be in touch.

How can I advertise with The Peedmont?

Please send all advertising inquiries to

Staff Writers:
Alice Ribbons
Archie Boderekson
Casey Stevnako
Debbie Wren
Gail Marzena
Heidi Hughes