News Peed

Richmond to Only Allow Vaccinated Chesterfield Residents To Cross River Into City

RICHMOND, Va. — In a continued effort to contain any possible coronavirus outbreaks, the Richmond City Health District (RCHD) announced today that beginning Memorial Day weekend, all Chesterfield residents traveling to the city will be required to show proof of vaccination from COVID-19 before crossing over the James River and entering city limits. 

According to the RCHD, the extreme measure is meant to ensure that only the best and brightest of Chesterfield’s people come into the city, as well as to help prevent a potential COVID-19 outbreak in the city. 

“The variants of the virus we’re seeing in the Chesterfield region are concerning,” noted the press release, adding that in addition to worrisome contagious levels, the variants also induce symptoms that include talking nonstop about how their kids attend a private school and actively choosing to dine at Applebee’s. 

“We’re seeing steady progress with our vaccination efforts throughout the Richmond metropolitan area; however, the city must do whatever it can to keep any possible Midlothian or Brandermill variants at bay.”

While the action makes sense to some, others say the measures are a violation of their rights. “If it’s my body, it’s my choice, and if it’s my leased 1998 Dodge Neon, it’s my decision where I drive,” said Calvin Wells, a Chesterfield resident living in a neighborhood off Hull Street. “Besides, I don’t need to cross into the city to get to Cracker Barrel.”

According to officials, the city will be working with E-Z Pass to develop a security system to enforce the rule, in addition to setting up checkpoints at popular river crossings including the Mayo bridge, the Powhite bridge, the 7th Street bridge, and the Route 288 bridge.

The statement also warned that anyone who attempts to go around the checkpoints or wade through the river will be arrested and placed in quarantine for 14 days on Brown’s Island; habitual offenders may face quarantine at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts where they will be forced to take notes on whatever seasonal exhibit the museum is featuring before being released into the wild at Pocahontas State Park.

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