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Archaeologists Discover Rare Parking Space In Carytown Court

RICHMOND, Va. — After years of rigorous search efforts that often seemed futile at best, dedicated archaeologist Bruce Murphy reported today that he has finally discovered an extremely rare and unoccupied parking space in Carytown Court. The parking space was stumbled upon just outside of the Can Can Brasserie Dig Site by Murphy and his team, who were returning to the Galaxy Diner Archaeological Center after an expedition through the area. “We’ve spent countless resources to find such an artifact,” commented a jubilant Murphy. “We hope that through dedicated research we can finally understand how such a thing is formed and hopefully discover more like it in the future.” However, it appears that Murphy’s studies will have to be put on hold as, at the time of reporting, a wild 2010 Honda Accord appeared and immediately parked in the open space.

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