News Peed

CBS 6 Weather Predictions Reduced to Shrugging and Saying “Sure, Why Not”

RICHMOND, Va. — Explaining that conventional methods of meteorological study were not enough to keep up with the ever-changing weather in Virginia, CBS 6 will reduce their weather forecast segments to a single meteorologist standing in front of a camera, simply shrugging and saying “sure, why not?”

“Mother Nature is always evolving, and we’ve always had trouble keeping up with Virginia’s constant change of warm-to-cold weather, blizzard-to-60 degree temperatures and sunshine, all within a week,” Katie DuVall, CBS 6’s Programming Director, explained in a statement, going into detail about what the team’s new plan for forecasting weather will entail.

“Going forward, our anchors will just stand idly in front of a map of Virginia with passive looks while they offer neutral forecasts for the entire state. Our new weather prediction system is cost-efficient, and it leaves us with some room for error. If we make a mistake, we can just say ‘hey, we never fully predicted anything, we said it could go either way, don’t blame us.’”

As of press time, the team at CBS 6 was also testing out a Magic 8-ball that gave random weather predictions as an alternative forecast method, if necessary.


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