News Peed

Terry McAuliffe Drunkenly Caroling Gets Through Three Bars of “Jingle Bells” Before Passing out on Porch

CHESTERFIELD, Va. — In an effort to get his former constituents in the holiday spirit, a heavily intoxicated former Gov. Terry McAuliffe only made it through the first few verses of “Jingle Bells” before passing out while going door-to-door singing Christmas carols, sources confirmed Friday.

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The incident occurred at the Shields residence in the Chelsea Oaks subdivision in South Chesterfield. According to Andrew Shields, the father who answered the door, McAuliffe staggered onto his front porch dressed in wrinkled casual attire marked by beer stains and a Santa hat, and then proceeded to ring Shields’s doorbell repeatedly. Shields answered the door, which prompted McAuliffe to begin belching the lyrics to the popular Christmas anthem “Jingle Bells.”

However, McAuliffe only managed to get through the first few verses of the song before passing out on the family’s doorstep. “The visit from the former governor was initially pretty exciting, but quickly turned bizarre,” Shields said of the incident.

“He didn’t even introduce himself, he just went into song with such a heavy slur that made his voice barely understandable,” Shields exclaimed, adding that McAuliffe’s visit was particularly odd as Shields was fairly confident that they weren’t neighbors. “I definitely wasn’t expecting the former governor to knock on my door, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t live in Chelsea Oaks. Does he even live in Chesterfield?”

Additional witness accounts state that a few aides eventually arrived and helped McAuliffe from the Shields residence. McAuliffe then paraded down the street to the next house while screaming the lyrics to “Little Drummer Boy,” although some accounts claim he did change the chorus’s line to “Pa rum pum dump Trump.”

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